Free app to track livestock

You Farmer seeks to monitor his livestock efficiently? So get to know free app to track cattle.

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Although with the help of this tool it is possible track your herd, providing agility during processes.

However, with just your cell phone, you will be able to have all the necessary information in order to know the location of each animal.

Furthermore, the application allows you to eliminate the use of manual equipment, offering better management and control of the herd.

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Although below we present how the application works and its importance in livestock farming, however, follow along free app to track cattle.

The importance of technology in livestock farming

Technology has certainly played a fundamental role in the modernization of livestock farming, presenting innovations that improve livestock production and management.

Therefore, with the use of free apps to track livestock, livestock farmers can More efficiently manage herd behavior, health and location.

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Thus, showing growth and also helping in decision making with valuable data.

However, technology makes it possible to implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) and geolocation systems, making it easier to locate lost or stolen animals.

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Eventually the tool contributes to good management and reduces losses and increases positive results.

Databoi application

Databoi is a farm started in 2019 with the function of tracking livestock on farms and farms.

In this sense, the company tracks and identifies cattle using facial recognition.

In other words, it is nothing more than a tracking and monitoring application with herd certification using artificial intelligence.

To download the application and obtain more information, visit the website Databoi.

Agroninja Beefie application

Analogously, the application Agroninja Beefie allows the livestock tracking, offering to farmers a simple and effective way to follow the performance and location of your herds.

Especially with accessible resources, the application makes the whole process simpler in order to take care of health, production, among other important processes.

Subsequently, one of the main advantages of Agroninja Beefie is the possibility of create detailed reports on individual animal performance.

However, presenting valuable data for better planning and problem solving.


Although the information collected helps to increase the operation, thus reducing costs and increasing results.

Features and benefits for livestock farmers

Surprisingly, with the advancement of technology, farmers will be able to use Free apps to track livestock.

One of the main benefits is the ability to monitor the location of the herd in real time, resulting in greater efficiency in farm management.

Eventually the application provides individual records for each animal, making it easier to monitor their health and productivity history.

In fact, another advantage is the possibility of quickly identify any lost or stolen animal, contributing to financial loss and animal safety.

How to download and use the application

Firstly, we teach you how to use the application in order to obtain the necessary data for administration.

Essentially, accessing the free application to track livestock is simple, access your online store. cell phone, be it Android or IOS, and type the name of the application.

Then tap download and wait until the installation is complete.

After completion, click to open the application and follow the steps to set your preferences.

Therefore, with just a few clicks on your cell phone screen, You will be able to monitor the location of your animals, receive real-time alerts about any suspicious movement.


The mentioned application can be downloaded from the Google play store and app store.

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