Application to simulate X-ray by cell phone

O app that simulates X-rays on your phone It's a great option to play pranks and play with the kids. Now check out the app to simulate X-rays on your cell phone.

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Since the X-ray images are always very interesting, it can be interesting to make it look like the phone is doing this process.

Therefore, it is worth knowing the x-ray scanner prank, as the name suggests, is a ideal application to simulate X-ray images on cell phones.

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Images of different parts of the body can be acquired in a very realistic way, and contain all the details of bones and cavities🇧🇷 All this is very simple and fast.

Xray Scanner Prank – how to download and use the app

Xray Scanner Prank it is a application that simulates X-ray images via cell phone, completely free and exclusive to Android users.

In this way, users can find the apps who want to download from the App Store and Google Play Store.

O application it is very lightweight and can run normally on most smartphones today.

After downloading, users can start using the platform to tease friends in a very simple way.

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When entering the application, simply select the option “scan” and then select the body part you want to simulate. So you can choose between hands, head or body.

After selecting the body part, the application will start displaying X-ray images of the part selected by the user.

Tips for taking the X-ray

Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize the image on the mobile phone and smartphone screens through the body part. Because, in this way, a more realistic simulation can be performed.

  • Precautions when taking X-rays
  • Remove all metal accessories
  • Use a protective vest
  • Wear simple, comfortable clothes
  • Understand the need to fast

The vest can only be moved and removed after instructions from the technician

The use of X-rays is a real breakthrough in modern medicine. As long as it allows the inside of the patient's body to be inspected accurately, without invasive procedures.

Therefore, it is an ideal method for locating tumors and finding and analyzing fractures.

However, although it does not represent a serious risk to the patient's health, some care must be taken during the procedure. exam.

In that sense, these Preventive measures they should not only avoid any adverse patient reactions, but also improve the final image effect.

Other interesting simulation applications

Since the beginning, simulation ones have been popular among smartphone users.

In the past, they were simpler simulations, like the famous lighter of a simulated cell phone, which showed a beautiful flame on the screen.

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However, these simulations have already been developed and there are some very interesting apps worth checking out.


Finally, a simulation app equally popular is a application that simulates bodily changes.

Application to simulate x-ray

For example, apps that simulate tattoos, beards and even change hair color. In that sense, although these options are simulations, they are also useful for those who want to change their appearance.

This is an ideal place to test what changes look like before actually implementing them.


Did you like the application to simulate X-rays on your cell phone?

To test the X-Ray app, go to the store Google Play or give Apple Store.

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