Learn how to consult and receive PROSPERA assistance

Learn how to consult and receive assistance THRIVE, find out everything about this aid paid in Mexico, see who is eligible right now.

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Having the minimum basic conditions of food, health and education is what everyone who lives in Mexico wants.

In this way, Prospera aid arrives to meet the needs of millions of people. If you live in Mexico and need help, Prospera could be your chance to change reality.

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But, who can receive this assistance, and how can you consult? You will find out everything about Prospera aid here.

Learn how to consult and receive PROSPERA assistance and understand how it works right now. Do not miss this opportunity.

What is Prospera?

At first, we can say that Prospera is a program of the Mexican Ministry of Social Development.

That reaches more than 7 million families, bringing basic supplies to these people, especially food, health and education.

In addition to providing immediate relief, prospera still life brings a productive life to these families, promoting employment and other services.

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In this way, the aid helps people who live in Mexico and need government support to live.

When was the Prospera program created?

Firstly, Prospera aid is not new, it was created in 1997, on August 8th. Firstly, the program was intended to help 300 thousand families who were in rural areas.

In the 90s the program had another name, it was the Education, Health and Food Program. Thus, by 2002 the Program reached around 2.4 million families, including indigenous people.

Still in 2002, the program changed its name and was renamed “Oportunidades”. In this way, it expanded its reach, reaching the 32 states of the country.

Only in 2014, more specifically on September 5th, the program was renamed Thrive.

But in what area does the program operate?

The program's areas of activity are diverse, so its scope is very broad for people who live in the area. Mexico.

Prospera operates in the areas of food, health education and labor inclusion. In addition, productive inclusion and financial inclusion.

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The program also operates in other areas such as social inclusion, social participation and audience rights. Therefore, all families served by this program receive different benefits.

A good example of activities that transform are scholarships, which reach young people of all ages, generating life changes.

Learn how to consult and receive PROSPERA assistance

Finally, the most important part is knowing how to consult and receive Prospera, understand how this process works.

To consult and find out all the way for you who live in Mexico to access the Prospera benefit, you can use one of the means of communication below.

First of all, the telephone number 54 82 07 00 is the official help center, with this service you can answer all your questions.


Another hotline that can answer all your questions is 800 500 50 50.

But, if you prefer to go in person to answer your questions, the address is Headquarters: 1480 South Insurgent Avenue, Actipan, Mexico City. CP 03230.

Finally, you can still use the official site from the government of Mexico for your answers.

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