Learn how to put photo with music on your WhatsApp status

Learn how to put photo with music on your WhatsApp status in this step by step that we have assembled for you.

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WhatsApp does not allow you to post a photo with music on your status, unlike Facebook and Instagram.

Even if you save your stories with music from Instagram, when you go to put it on Whats status it doesn't recognize the music.

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But know that it is possible to do this, and with the help of an application we will teach you how to do it today.

And the application that we are going to use to do that is the Clips, which is a video editing app that can put music on photos.

Even if other applications can do this task, as is the case with InShot, let's standardize the hints with the Clips.

How to merge the music in the photo

The first step for you learn how to put photo with music in your whatsapp status, is to learn to put the two together correctly.

To do this, you will install Clips on your cell phone through its app store. And after that, you will choose which image you will use.

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Then, you will click on the music note icon in the upper right corner of the application to choose the songs.

The soundtracks option will allow you to use one of the many songs that are already in the application. Just save and then select it.

So to put sound in your image, you click on the pink button at the bottom center of the screen, and hold for a few seconds.

That way, the music will be recorded in the image and you will be able to click play and see the result.

After that you go to the share option and then save video, and it will be available in your cell phone gallery.

How to post photo in status

Now that you've learned how to create photo with image with Clips app, let's continue.

Then see rest of the process how to put photo with music in your whatsapp status.

But this step is very simple, in fact there's nothing more, you'll just add the photo with music already created in the status.

App to make videos with photos and music


For this, you open WhatsApp, click on status, find the mini video created, select it and click on publish.

The difference that allows you to do it this way is that the format of the video created is different from the one you save from stories.

But you also don't have to be stuck with the Clips app, there are several other video editors that do the same thing.

All you have to do is do a search in your app store to find one that is interesting to use.


And these other apps of the genre have other functions that can be interesting, such as being able to use a song that is on your cell phone.

Just pay attention to the format it will save the mini clip, so that it is compatible with whats status.

Photo with music for WhatsApp.


Finally, if you want to use the Clips app, you will find it available for devices with iOS.

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