Aid Of R$ 600 For Non-Registered Will Be Requested By Application 2020-04-03

The Minister of Citizenship, Onyx Lorenzoni, said during the press conference of the Federal Government this Friday (3). Therefore, 20 million people who are not in the Single Registry will be able to access an application starting next Tuesday (7th) to receive aid of R$ 600 reais. Although the ministry's estimate is that those contemplated will have the benefit before the Easter holiday.

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"Will be a application super simplified that will not bring any fee or burden to the person”, says Lorenzoni. However, the registration will take 48 hours to be approved, and the resource will be credited by Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil or a private banking network. Therefore, withdrawals at lottery houses will be authorized. In the future, the withdrawal will also take place at ATMs, guarantees the minister.

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Auxílio De R$ 600 Para Não Cadastrados Será Solicitado Por Aplicativo 03 de abril de 2020

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Allowance of 600.00

As of April 16, the 12 million Bolsa Família beneficiaries will have access to emergency aid, which can be R$ 600, R$ 1.2 thousand or R$ 1.8 thousand. “We want to bring peace of mind to people. The effort will be complete”, says the leader of the House. “We need, at this moment, to unite everyone. Mayors, governors, parliamentarians, executive power… We are in a war against the coronavirus”.

a specific application will be developed and launched next week to register informal and self-employed people. Therefore, to receive the emergency aid of R$ 600 paid by the government in the next 3 months.

The distribution of these amounts still raises many doubts for Brazilians, but the government reiterated that the payments. Although they will be done in complete safety and will reach all those who are entitled.

Government Cash Aid

Caixa will launch an application in the coming days to facilitate the registration of people who will receive the R$ 600 emergency aid. The announcement made at the end of this Friday (3) was attended by the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, accompanied by the president Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, and the Minister of Citizenship Onyx Lorenzoni. The entire distribution of values, both for those who will receive in other public banks, such as Banco do Brasil, will be managed by Caixa Econômica Federal.



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