Banks increase credit estimate

Banks increase credit estimates and this should positively affect the budget of Brazilian families, see what is happening.

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The expectation of a cut in the Selic rate in the second half of the year has already affected the estimate of credit for families.

According to Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks) the increase was almost 1%. What was previously 8.5% became 9.3.

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This means targeted credit will increase by up to 10.7%, a real increase. This will have many consequences for the family economy, boosting jobs and commerce.

Find out about all the positive consequences that will happen with this increase in credit estimates for families. Banks increase credit estimates and the market thanks them.

What should the Selic rate cut be like?

Firstly, what everyone expects is that the fall in the Selic will occur gradually, and not a big cut right away.

What experts are expecting is for a cut of 0.25% to occur, then the cut to increase to 0.50%.

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Therefore, what is expected is that the Selic will reach 12% by the end of 2023. This change will already bring benefits to the economy, at least that is what experts expect.

Generating growth in the job market and consumption, allowing growth in the economy as a whole.

What is the Selic rate?

At first, we can say that the Selic Rate has a direct impact on our country's economy. Being like a reference, it determines our country's general credit lines.

Therefore, when it is high, financing amounts will be higher, in addition to loans.

The higher the Selic rate, the more interest banks charge when making loans or financing. In other words, you end up paying more every time you take out financing.

Which banks have the lowest interest rates

Therefore, we understand the importance of a lower Selic Rate, this way, we will have more money circulating in commerce. Consumption increases, increasing profits and movement in the job market.

We can say that credit and consumption go together, the higher the amount paid on credit, the lower the consumption will be. The lower the amount paid, the more money in the consumer's pocket, and consumption increases.

Low Selic impacts investments

Now, for the fixed income investor, the higher the Selic, the better their returns. Since your income is linked to the interest rate.

A good example of this are public bonds from the federal government, known as CDBs, as well as debentures. They will have better returns with the higher interest rate.

Therefore, when banks increase their credit estimate based on the fall in the Selic Rate, the impact on the economy is general. Decreasing the returns of fixed income investors.


As well as, increasing the consumption power of those looking for loans or financing. Generating a domino effect on the country's economy, everyone expects a busier second half of the year.

Schedule your investments, or the search for a loan, as well as financing, considering the drop in the Selic rate. This way, you will obtain better results, and enjoy the increase in credit.

Taking advantage of better times in the economy to do business is the ideal opportunity for better results.

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