BDMG Signs Partnership to Stimulate Sector Growth in the Region

The great potential of North Minas Gerais for solar energy generation is gaining momentum. The Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG) partnership has just formalized a protocol of intentions for the development of the renewable energy market in the region.

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The objective is to carry out actions, studies and analyzes to create opportunities for local professionals and companies, aiming at institutional and financial support for the renewable energy sector. Thus, in the mining area of the Northeast Development Superintendence (Sudene).

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BDMG Assina Parceria Para Estimular Crescimento Do Setor Na Região 18 de março de março de 2020

The partnership was signed last Thursday (12th), in Montes Claros, with the Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation (ABGD). Thus being the Association of Municipalities of the Mining Area of Sudene (Amans) and the Multipurpose Intermunicipal Consortium of the Mining Area of Sudene (Cimams).

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“This partnership reinforces BDMG's role in diversifying the economic matrix of Minas Gerais on a sustainable basis.

However, based on the great economic potential of the State in the renewable energy market, particularly in the North region.

The union of these institutional actors is another step in this process”, says the president of BDMG, Sergio Gusmão.


The protocol will be in force for 24 months and, as goals, it foresees the incentive to the implantation of solar systems photovoltaics in the distributed microgeneration segment in the region.

Although the stimulus to the strengthening of companies that integrate the photovoltaic solar energy sector, in addition to the emergence of new companies in other sectors linked to the sector.

However, last year, BDMG disbursements for photovoltaic solar energy generation projects tripled compared to 2018, reaching R$ 53 million.

In short, the number of solar plants financed by the bank more than doubled in 2019, from 25 to 54. The generation capacity of the projects financed last year reaches 45.8 GW/year. Although enough to supply 23,800 households. Of the total releases for solar energy projects, 78% were for Norte de Minas.

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