Caixa launches credit for real estate financing with fixed rate

Caixa launched credit for real estate financing with a fixed rate, this is a great novelty this year for those who are putting their savings together to buy a property of their own. What will this change in practice?

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Many things and you who are looking to invest in a property or just want to buy to fulfill a dream, you need to stay on top of these new changes.

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Is the new Caixa financing really cheaper? Or is it actually more expensive because it has a fixed rate? See below for all the information on this subject.

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However, it is known that the conditions are valid for new and used residential properties, with a financing share of up to 80% of the property value. Customers can choose between the SAC amortization systems (with decreasing installments), for contracts of up to 360 months, or Price (fixed installments), for financing up to 240 months.

Caixa's intention is to allow people to borrow for 20 or 30 years, knowing from day one how much they will pay. Last year, the president of the bank had advanced the bank's intention to adopt pre-fixed housing credit.

However, he explained that, now, customers have three contracting options: corrected by the Referential Rate (TR), defined by the Central Bank; by inflation, measured by the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA); or without correction.

“Remembering that we have a portfolio of R$ 460 billion. The IPCA (mode) with R$ 10 billion, we have already lent R$ 6.5 billion, and now we are also launching a fixed rate with R$ 10 billion”, said the vice president of Housing at Caixa, Jair Mahl.

Credit for Financing - Considerations

Still speaking, on the subject of credit for financing, the current president of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, signaled, on Thursday morning, that the institution should reduce the interest on overdrafts to below 4.95% per month.

“We are, for now, at 4,95%. Today is real estate credit day, but we are also going to reduce it, we just approved this. So, President, these 4.95% will be reduced, because we are earning a lot of money and we are going to give it back to society”,

He said this during an event to launch Caixa's new real estate credit line at a ceremony at Palácio do Planalto.

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