Inter Credit Card – Your advantages and how to apply

O Inter Bank is financial institution which provides its users with the convenience of not having to go to a Bank physical, since they provide a version 100% digital that facilitates and financially helps several people. With the credit card Inter is it possible to open a account digital and acquire unlimited and free services, so both the card as for account digital it has no fees, and can be used inside and outside the country with the option of payment by approximation.

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The differential of Bank Inter being the fact that the user is not charged for services related to your account chain such as withdrawals from the Banco 24 Horas network, transfers to other banks and deposits through slips, for example.

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About O Bank Inter

O Bank Inter was founded in Belo Horizonte – MG, in 1994 under the title of Intermedium Financeira, in which they initially belonged to the economic group MRV Engenharia SA In 2015 they launched the Account Digital where they carried out a revolutionary purpose and became the first 100% digital bank of the country and the only one offering digital checking account without fees about basic services and with a complete platform for services financial. For 2 years there was institutional development and growth where they repositioned the brand and changed the name to Inter Bank. Shorter, simpler and more modern, which reflects the evolution of the business and the current market.

THE Account Digital of Bank Inter offers the user cashback, card without annuity, forms of investments, partnerships for online purchases, insurance, loans and other services that seek to help the account holder, without wasting time and with maximum security.

International Credit Card

so much the debit card how much of credit is issued by the Bank owning the flag MasterCard accepted inside and outside Brazil. The cards do not have membership fees or tariffs and it is possible to accumulate points and have cashback promotions. All management of the Digital Account and the invoice is carried out through the Banco Inter application, which is available on both Android and iOS.

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To the request of card in credit is not stipulated by Bank a minimum score and neither an income nor a minimum salary for approval, but there are cases where the scores are very low and the analysis ends up resulting in approval only for the account digital it's the card in debit.

How to apply for your Inter Bank Card

For the request of card of Bank Inter you must already have one account digital. If you haven't opened it yet, download the bank app from the Play Store or Apple store and open the app. To open an account, you must have the following documents at hand:

• RG or CNH;

• Most recent proof of residency.

You will need to capture photos of these documents for sending and then the app will give you instructions to continue opening the account, everything is very easy, fast and practical.

Requesting the credit function

THE occupation credit of Bank Inter it depends on a credit analysis where it can take up to 7 days for the answer to be sent to your email.

inter bank

O card in credit will be the same debit that you acquire at the opening of the account chain and can be requested through the Internet Banking in “Cards” and then “Request Credit Limit”.


Did you know that there are other banks with zero annuity? check here.

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