Card without proof of income, more than 4 million Brazilians have already acquired

And folks, ready to get your new credit card? Not yet? So get ready right now we have very good news! If you want to have a credit card, you will certainly agree that the fees charged are a bit complicated and abusive most of the time, especially the annual fee.

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Card for low income and proof of earnings

As the digital bank itself reported, this type of credit card available with no annual fee is for those with low income and who have a low spending limit, but if you have a slightly higher income and still want to have a Credit Card with no annual fee   see below which cards do not charge.

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Did you know that it is possible to apply for a card without proving income with a high limit?

In the current market, there are several cards that do not charge annuity, however if you are already a holder of one, know that some institutions offer an exemption for certain customers who have investments in the institution itself or even have expenses of up to certain amounts that are all concentrated on your credit card.

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Check out more information about this type of card

Many banks that have cards and do not charge an annual fee if you wonder if it is worth having one Credit Card with no annual fee  we say yes, because it works and follows the same pattern as all other cards, but you won't need to pay a fee for it, that being the only difference.

Let's present some options for you to understand much better.

Another very good one is the Hipercard, which can be requested through the official Hipercard website.

And finally, no more winding you up. The card that is being most desired by everyone is Nubank (as we have already discussed in more detail here on our website) and you can find out more and request yours through the official Nubank website  

Those mentioned above are the main and most requested by all, of course there are more than one Credit Card with no annual fee, however if you choose any of these you will be very well served. Other information can be found on the Santander or Nunbank website.

Good luck!!

Digital card with the best facilities on the market

Personal credit for those who have a low score or negative name