Cashback the new bet of the big banks – find out why

Cashback for those who don't know, basically works as a rewards program and despite being in evidence in the market now, it has existed since the 1980s.

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However, this new modality, which became a fever in Brazil, was developed in the USA, the service allows users to have their money back through partnerships between brands and financial institutions.

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Cashback arrived in Brazil recently, specifically in large online stores and, according to institutes such as Sebrae, currently has more than 6.4 million establishments registered in programs for this purpose.

Check out all the information about Cashback below

Cashback a nova aposta dos grandes bancos 03-fevereiro-2020

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As with any type of reward, initially, to be able to enjoy the return, customers would need to be linked to a credit card.

However, today it is possible to do this through the debit service, in the payment of bills, in e-commerce, among other types of acquisition modality.

According to the rules: the amount returned to the customer must be negotiated between the brand and the cashback program.

It is quite interesting, as the percentages can be 1% or more than 15%, not showing a minimum or maximum determination.

How does cashback work with banks?

It's simple, just make a purchase and be registered with institutions that make this return, or register your purchase in programs that intermediate the payment.

The return can be made through the customer's own checking account and, when credited, he will be able to use the amount for other purposes or new purchases.

It is very important for us to remember here that cashback does not work as discounts on your invoice. In this case, the purchase price is recorded in full and only after its approval should a portion be returned.

Anyway, did you like it? For more information on this topic, click here and check other subjects that we have prepared for you.

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