How to invest in variable income?

How to invest in variable income? Learn everything you need to be a variable income investor.

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This is a type of investment for more daring people, who stray a little from conservatism in investments. In other words, you are willing to take some risks to seek greater profits.

Therefore, we are bringing information to those who have already thought about migrating part of their assets to variable income, but are afraid. Insecurity is still a strong block in your life.

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Knowing a little more about how this type of investment works can help you make this decision or not. However, it is important to consider your investor profile.

How to invest in variable income? Find out more about this exciting investment category.

But, what is variable income?

At first, we can define it as an investment filled with a certain dose of doubt about what it will gain. In other words, you don’t know what the return will be at the time of investment.

In this way, the market condition will directly interfere with your return, potentially giving you more or less profit. It all depends on how the market is going.

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To make it easier to understand, just analyze what fixed income is like, you already know the return at the time of investment. Well, variable income is exactly the opposite of that.

A good example is the stock market, whoever buys a share is sure that they will pocket the appreciation of this share. But how much this appreciation will be is impossible to know.

At the risk of incurring a loss, after all, the shares may depreciate in value. That's why he said that investors in variable income cannot be conservative.

When the company appreciates, everyone benefits, however, if it depreciates, everyone also loses.

What are the most common types of variable income investment?

Firstly, the shares we mentioned above are a common type of variable income. They are traded through the stock exchange.

To understand what this is about, a share is a part of a company's capital, being the smallest portion.

When you buy shares, you become a partner in the company, thus being able to share in the profits the company makes.

By owning shares you profit from the distribution of dividends, which is a portion of the profit that is distributed to shareholders.


Another interesting way to profit is to buy shares when they are low, and sell them when they are high.

Another way is real estate funds, which bring together a group of shareholders and invest in real estate, whether in construction or purchase. Which will then be rented, thus dividing the value among shareholders.

This is an interesting way, however if the property remains unoccupied, shareholders will suffer losses. But, if it remains rented, they will always make a profit on the investment.

How to invest in variable income? Stocks and the real estate market are interesting ways to make money with variable income.


Know the markets and possible variations well before making your investment. Consulting an expert is still the best way to keep your assets safe.

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