Buy Cars from Auction with no regrets

acquire a car both new and used in an event of auction cars, definitely, can become a great option to save money.

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However, this segmentation auctions, is very targeted by scammers and embezzlers. In this sense, it is very important to be careful when finding that offer that you cannot refuse or cannot miss. Fraudulent websites and ghost organizations are the main source of resources for scammers in this sector.

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However, we cannot generalize a whole segment, several companies are serious and correct, organizing car auctions which are really great options to buy.

For assistant If you want to enter this segment, our editorial team has defined essential tips for you to achieve buy auction cars with no regrets.

1. Pay Attention to the Auction Announcement

In this document called notice, the basic and essential information of the event, such as: place, time and date, are also informed, the initial bid, payment method, car specs, possible backlogs, real car condition, etc.

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The edict is how the consumer will be able to view the information, basically working as a contract. For this reason, it must be read very carefully, in order to avoid mistaken purchases in the future.

2. See information about the Auction Cars Event

First of all, your first step should be to search for information regarding who is organizing and producing the event. You can consult and search, on the internet, public bodies, local newspapers in your region, which have all the data on the seriousness of the auctioneers and yours auction houses. In this way, citizens define that they are participating in a official car auction.  

3. visit the courtyard of Auction Cars

visit the patio and check out the car lots of your interest, live and in color. In addition, to ensure that the car actually exists, and of course, you can carry out a real inspection, if you can, take someone who understands cars and automobiles.

In this pandemic period, caused by covid-19, the auction houses are providing videos, photos and live video calls to help you in this process, if you are unable to attend the patio in person.


Important point, do not forget to check possible repairs that the car will need. Also check which car price in FIPE table and concessionaires. This way you will be sure that it is a profitable deal, both for you and for your pocket.

4. Check the Deposit account

When entering a vehicle auction, be aware of the payment methods. At the time of making the deposit, referring to the car bought. See if the account is really on name of auctioneer or its official auction house.

Do not, under any circumstances, make payments to unknown accounts. Several scams are happening this way. It is also important to remember that, in a official auction, there is no possibility of auction off a car, and then give up the purchase. In that regard, make every bid count.


Currently several institutions organize car auctions, be aware of some of them: DMV, Cashier and Bradesco.

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