Cooxupé Expects to Receive 6.8 Million Coffee Bags This Year in MG

GUAXUPÉ, Minas Gerais Cooxupé - Regional Cooperative of Coffee Growers in Guaxupé - expects to increase coffee exports by more than 8 percent this year.

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As a result of approximately 4.4 million bags of 60 kg, amid the prospect of also higher production, compared to 2017 production.

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In 2019, Cooxupé, whose area of operation encompasses the south of Minas Gerais, Cerrado Mineiro and Média Mogiana, in São Paulo.

Cooxupé Prevê Receber 6,8 Milhões De Sacas De Café Neste Ano Em MG 14 de fevereiro de 2020

In fact, just over 4 million bags were shipped abroad, accounting for almost 15 percent of the country's green coffee exports.

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According to Carlos Paulino da Costa- Cooperative Administrative Councilor: “This year we will have a bigger harvest”, at the Femagri event, fair of machinery, implements and inputs.

Indeed, Paulino assesses a resumption of exports from Brazil, the largest global producer and exporter, which fell by 10 percent in 2017.

In fact, the drop between 2018 and 2016 is due to a “hangover from climate stresses”, especially the drought between last September and October.

As soon as the lack of rain damaged the flowering, with abortion and defoliation, even though the flower and the fruit did not develop (properly).


In short, in any case, the higher volume expected tends to benefit Cooxupé, which should rise to 6 million bags, from 5.5 million last year southeast.

According to the administrator, cooperative members turned the year around with stocks of almost 1.9 million bags, “within normality”, reserves are lower than in 2012.

He also concluded that commercialization will have to take place, “because the producer needs to make money”, while the harvest will be large Guaxupe.

Since the price practiced by Cooxupé is around 425 reais a bag, compared to 480 reais a year ago, he said.

The cooperative is very happy with the results and has been building over all these years, sharing our entire trajectory with the cooperative members and collaborators.

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