Coronavirus In SC: Santa Catarina Creates Project To Support Small Rural Enterprises 03-29-2020

The Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development created a support project for small rural enterprises due to the coronavirus in SC.

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Therefore, the intention is to inject R$ 60 million into the Santa Catarina economy in three years. The measure is part of the Economic Confrontation and Recovery Plan, developed by the Economic Development Commission (CDE) of the State Government.

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However, the project of Agriculture provides for an investment of R$ 1.5 million, via the Rural Development Fund (FDR), to subsidy interest on financing acquired by farmers and fishermen, with a limit of 2.5% per year.

Coronavírus Em SC: Santa Catarina Cria Projeto De Apoio A Pequenos Empreendimentos Rurais 29 de março de 2020

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However, the financing will follow the rules of the contract made with the bank agent, and may have up to 36 months to pay, with a 12-month grace period.

Therefore, the intention is to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus pandemic on the food and agrotourism production sector. “This is one of the actions being taken to minimize the economic impacts on this sector.

We are aware of the difficulties faced by rural and fishing enterprises at this time and we intend to encourage the maintenance of the links in the production chain and the resumption of the economy in agribusiness in Santa Catarina”, emphasizes Secretary of State for Agriculture Ricardo de Gouvêa.

“Right now, more than ever, it is essential to unite all forces, in the elaboration of measures that mitigate the impacts on the economy, so that the development of the State can be resumed as soon as possible”, adds the Secretary of State for the Sustainable Economic Development, Lucas Esmeraldino.

To enter into force, the proposal still needs to be approved by the Rural Development Council (Cederural).

Economic Development Commission (CDE)

Although the Economic Development Commission (CDE) of the Government of Santa Catarina is coordinated by the Secretariats for Sustainable Economic Development (SDE) and Finance (SEF), it is composed of representatives of the Secretariat for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (SAR); Santa Catarina Tourism Development Agency (Santur); Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE); Development Agency of the State of Santa Catarina (Badesc); Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina SA (Celesc); and Companhia Catarinense de Águas e Saneamento (Casan).

Follow the news about the new coronavirus SC

News about measures to contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Santa Catarina and updated bulletins with the state's situation can be accessed at or Although updates can also be followed by Youtube, Instagram and Facebook of the State Government.

By: Ana Ceron – Press Office
Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development

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