Deputy says Maia will ask for Bolsonaro’s impeachment in the Chamber

Since last Monday night, supporters have raised a tag on Twitter asking for Rodrigo Maia to be removed. They are not satisfied with the mayor's stance, since he came out against Bolsonaro's attitudes.

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Deputado afirma que Maia pedirá impeachment de Bolsonaro na Câmara

Is Rodrigo Maia plotting a coup against Bolsonaro?

Roberto Jefferson, who a former pro-government deputy from the PTB-RJ detailed, when interviewed on the program Os Pingos Nos Is, by Jovem Pan, that there is a coup being plotted against the president of the Chamber of Deputies, and who is in charge is Rodrigo Maia.

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During a live that caused huge controversy this Sunday, he said that Maia has already ordered an impeachment request from the president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Felipe Santa Cruz, against the president of the Republic. It's secret.

Maia's actions become suspicious.

Maia told the left that he would let government measures lapse” in order to have support in a future impeachment request.

In the evaluation of the president of the PTB, “Maia's attitudes prove everything”. According to him, the request for impeachment will happen “when they understand that the people are on the streets against Bolsonaro”.

Without concrete evidence, Roberto Jefferson, in exchange for the impeachment request, Maia would win the possibility of re-election in the Chamber, which is currently prohibited.

“If you vote for PEC 101, by former deputy Benedito de Lira, who says that within the same legislation it is possible to re-election the Chamber and the Senate, it is because the exchange is being made”, was his assessment.

Jefferson also told the program that the text of PEC 101 has already returned to the House. Commenting on his view of corruption, the former deputy – convicted of passive corruption and money laundering – stated that Congress “received an antiviral load from new deputies who face the corruption virus”.

Anyway? I like? Leave your opinion!

Source: Young pan.

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