Challenges of Transnordestina for the Completion of the Brazilian Railway

The Transnordestina Railroad is a federal highway, which is being created in the middle of the hinterland in the cross-section of Brazil, which is why it is considered a bold goal with challenges. A grandiose and very valuable work began in 1998 and is expected to end in 2027, if the pace is maintained until then.

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This mega work, shown from rail to rail, takes shape. Three years ago, the TCU (Union Court of Auditors) decided to stop the works. In August and September of last year, the works returned, the objective is to make the Northeast the center of brazilian ore export of iron and grain.

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Desafios Da Transnordestina Para A Conclusão Da Obra Brasileira 16 de abril de 2020

The challenges of the railroad

The railway stretch is already concentrated between Ceara and Pernambuco, which in the end will connect Brazil. The construction is expected to end in 2027, it will be a great growth for the hinterland and bring a great development.

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With the magnificence of the work, the work sector has a great growth for local economy and jobs, being a precarious region of jobs. The financing of the work is carried out by the Federal Government, by BNDES and FNDE.

The extension of the highway has a planned length of 1,753 km, of which 600 km have already been completed. Just as the work is gigantic, the value is also proportional, reaching the value of R$ 13 billion. Since 1998 injecting money, it still needs R$ 6.8 billion to complete it.

Although the government has been seeking resumption and investment for the completion of the work for years, the process is still slow and the challenges with the current scenario do not help for this resumption.

It does not depend only on the government, the crisis has affected the completion process and the amount to be invested exceeds the budget. To complete the work demands some factors in external resources, an economic, technical and environmental vision, which would require private sector investment.



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