Women's Day: They Make Up Half of the Population, But Add Up to 23% in the Stock Exchange

We are almost 52% of the population, but in the investment world the scenario is very different. Women's Day they accounted for 23% of total investors in handbag de Valores de São Paulo at the end of 2019. There are 388,000 female investors, twice the number at the end of 2018, but still far from achieving gender equality.

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Differences are also observed in invested amounts. They invest around R$ 600 less than them per month, according to data from the Guiabolso app.

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But there is the positive side: women tend to be more cautious, they prepare before investing and this translates into results. According to a survey by the Toro brokerage, women tend to profit on average 1% more than men per year on investments.

Dia Das Mulheres: Elas São Metade Da População, Mas Somam 23% Na Bolsa 08 de março de 2020

And there are three reasons that explain this difference in investment behavior:

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1. Few female conversations and references:

Not only is the investing public dominated by men, but also the backstage of the financial market. Among financial analysts in Brazil, only 15% are women. This reinforces the stereotype that money “is a guy thing”.

Women end up not finding references to be inspired or even feel more comfortable talking and asking about the subject. If financial education is already a problem for Brazilians in general, for women, the lack of conversation between friends or family, and of reference in the market, ends up pushing them further away from the subject.

2. Income difference:

It is widely debated that women earn less than men. The wage difference, which starts at 18%, reaches 29% according to the age of comparison. With a lower income, it is natural that fewer women manage to have enough savings to apply. When they manage to save something, it usually ends up being a smaller value.

3. Access to products:

It may seem like a long time ago, but it was only in 1962 that women were able to get a CPF and open a bank account. There was a time when working outside the home was an activity that needed a husband's permission. It seems like many years ago, but there are only two generations that separate us from that time. Although initiatives aimed at women have emerged more recently, late access to products kept them away from this financial aspect of life for a long time.

And how to change it?

So the tip here is always to seek information and planning. Once you have defined what the investment will be, in addition to the amount, consider it as an account. Upon receiving the salary, already reserve a portion of it for the application. On the Econoweek channel, we've already talked about the 50-20-30 rule, which indicates an ideal percentage for essential expenses, leisure and investments.

In addition, it is interesting to look for forums and services aimed at women. There are initiatives that seek to promote the finance conversation for this audience. This is the case of the Invista Como Uma Garota project, which involves face-to-face conversations on the subject. There are also online alternatives: Guiabolso, for example, will do a live on the theme this Tuesday, March 10, at 8 pm.

In the market, there are also good chances that you will find products or even specialized service. At Toro, for example, all investors who register and invest at least R$ 5,000 between March 5th and 17th will receive exclusive guidance from female advisors on the platform, via Whatsapp. A good opportunity to clear all doubts about investments.

But and you? Already a female investor? Tell us here in the comments or talk to us on our YouTube channel, Instagram and LinkedIn. You can also listen to our podcasts on Spotify. We always share a lot of knowledge about economics, finance and investments. After all, knowledge is always a way out!

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