Tips to get your card ONLINE in a practical way

There's no denying it guys, nowadays the credit card has become a piece, or rather, a fundamental item, (and totally indispensable) in the daily lives of many Brazilians.

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We can sum it up as follows: practical, safe and very convenient, they offer all of us consumers a series of advantages, but they can also bring many other disadvantages if used incorrectly.

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To help you use your credit card consciously and in a healthy way – we have produced today's article with tips to use your credit card in your daily life without losing control!

The first tip for not having problems with your credit card is to keep your financial organization up to date. Unfortunately, Brazilians still do not maintain the habit of planning and organizing their finances – a fundamental task for anyone who does not fall into the credit card trap.

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For you to really be able to organize your personal finances every month, it is worth using online financial control tools, or even using the old technique: paper and pen. Get in the habit of writing down all your monthly earnings and expenses – including credit card expenses, which are the most important.

This financial organization is more than essential for those who do not want to spend more than they can on their credit card. Knowing what you can or cannot buy without going into debt is essential to keep your card bill up to date.

Systematically organizing all your credit card expenses is also part of good financial planning. It is necessary, however, that this control be taken to the letter by the consumer, as the anxiety or enthusiasm generated by the possibility of purchasing an item, for example, can leave us in debt for a long period.

To escape credit card pitfalls and not lose control, you need to go beyond financial organization: you need to know when to make a certain purchase or not, whether in cash or in installments, so as not to compromise your finances.

Try to control your expenses in installments or in cash on your credit card and frequently check the status of your card – checking, for example, the open invoice. A good control of credit card expenses can help you identify when it is worth making a certain purchase or not, in order to avoid not only overflowing your card limit, but also your monthly budget limit and financial planning.

cash payment

We always recommend! It is almost always the best option for those who don't want to get into debt or lose control of their credit card spending. In addition to allowing immediate settlement of a given purchase, cash payment allows the consumer to negotiate discounts when purchasing a product or service – which tend to be always more attractive for those who are willing to pay in cash.

Despite this, there are situations in which payment in installments may also be worthwhile, such as liquidation, for example.

And to finish! However, even in these situations, the consumer must pay maximum attention to the limit of his card and his own financial planning.

How to get a card with exclusive benefits, see options

Credit Card even with SPC or SERASA restriction