Santa Catarina Economy Maintains With Injection Of Millions By The Judiciary

In the state of Santa Catarina, the state economy remains balanced by issuing 22,128 court permits, according to the PJSC- Judiciary of Santa Catarina in the economy of Santa Catarina.

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In March the injection was R$ 261,631,095.90 even during the coronavirus. Although the value exceeds R$ 100 million when comparing same time last year.

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Economia Catarinense Se Mantém Com Injeção De Milhões Pelo Judiciário 04 de abril de 2020

Judiciary Economy Santa Catarina

The guidelines of the judge Soraya Nunes, seeks to guide the units such as:

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  1.  For units with previous processes on 02/28/2020, the deadline priority is 10 days. Being shipments of permits in flows: Civil, family, special Courts, banking, criminal and childhood and youth.
  2. For entry into processes after 03/1/2020, maintain the fortnightly or monthly routine.

However, in March 2019, 17,219 permits were released, worth R$ 153,902,777.93 in the state of Santa Catarina, according to Judge Silvio. The positive result is a work of dedication from the entire judicial sector, all working towards minimizing. Regardless of each magistrate and servant, they helped to achieve order in the economy of the state.

As well as the current economic scenario with the covid-19 pandemic, it is essential to maintain an economy to be able to maintain itself during the crisis that is happening and can get worse over time. Being necessary to keep the pace for better results.

In this critical moment of crisis that we are going through, strategies and actions are important, together with intelligence and serenity. Crises are opportunities for change, the value ejected into the economy, being able to ensure for a longer time the effects that sectors are experiencing throughout Brazil. Members and magistrates are ahead of many, in order to guarantee future opportunities.

In short, a good result is achieved with people who seek to develop good strategies, move towards growth and development of a fair economy, only those who think in the long term will continue to grow. Municipalities that do not develop with actions based on the progress and commitment of all.




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