Ceará Economists Are Less Confident in 2020

Although the last 3 bimesters had positive results, January and February 2020 again showed pessimism in relation to the economy, according to economists from Ceará.

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The IEE, Economists' Expectations Index, measured experts' sentiment for the Brazilian economy, which scored 115 points, a reduction of 2.71TP2Q from the previous year.

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In the first result of 2020, the inflation rate (90.4 points), real wages (85.4 points) and exchange rate (72.7 points), of the nine segments.

Economistas Do Ceará Estão Menos Confiantes Em 2020 12 de fevereiro de 2020

Just to illustrate Ricardo Eleutério, economist, regional councilor at Corecon, reported a slight reduction in optimism that is linked to the high dollar this year.

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“Since we had a rise in the dollar at the beginning of the year, as it doubled last year and this ends up generating inflationary pressure.”

According to Eleutério, it weighed heavily on the price of imported products, fuel, which follow the price of the dollar. "So this increased pressure was captured by the survey."


According to the economist, the perception of the interviewees about the macroeconomy, even with this scenario, however, it is expected that the indices show improvements.

“We thus owe a better year compared to last year. We should have a growth rate around 2%”, he explained.

They were at the GDP level (161.6 points), credit supply (146 points), employment level (139.4 points), interest rate (119.2 points), public spending (117.2 points).

The state government, with its policies for the development of Ceará, with the capacity to attract more investments to the State, with the sharp acceleration of the GDP.

In addition, it increased, by R$ 8.1 billion, the resources allocated to the Ministry of Regional Development, whose work increased production in large part in the region North East.

Finally, expectations for Ceará's economy for 2020 are positive. This is what the new edition of Farol da Economia Cearense predicts (nº 08/2019).

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