Entrepreneurs Invest in Novelties to Sell Easter Eggs

Augmented reality, creative fillings and economical packaging are options for businesses during Easter entrepreneurs invest.

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Although entrepreneurs invest in novelties to sell Easter eggs The novelties for this year's Easter eggs range from augmented reality to economic packaging and there is still time to get organized to make money with the sale of chocolate eggs. One of the biggest chocolate brands in the world bet on the future to surprise at Easter this year.

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Empreendedores Investem Em Novidades Para Vender Ovos De Páscoa 15 de março de 2020

The company bet on augmented reality and hired a startup from São Paulo to develop the technology entrepreneurs invest.


"There are three eggs, three options: dinosaur, car or rocket. In addition to coming with the physical item, it has an application that parents can download", explains the seasonality marketing manager, Keila Broedel. In the application, pointing the cell phone at the toy, it is possible to do several things.

“It is possible to customize, put the engine, the tire, paint it however you want”, explains businessman Marcelo Rodino. Small entrepreneurs also have more economical solutions and no less creative entrepreneurs invest.

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So businesswoman Daniela Cruz, for example, makes a hand-painted egg with brownie shell and filled with sweets, candies and chocolate shavings. Three years ago, Daniela changed her career in international relations to dedicate herself to confectionery and set up a studio at home, with R$ 15 thousand.

Easter is your goose that lays the golden eggs

“It's the best time of the year to earn money. After Easter comes Christmas”, he says.

The artisanal egg market is attractive to small entrepreneurs, according to Alessandra Pires, Senac São Paulo's pastry chef: “It's sensational because people no longer seek the sameness that the industry has.

However, they want an egg full of surprises.” For this, the small entrepreneur has to plan: the shells can be made up to a month in advance, the fillings 10 days before Easter.

Above all, you have to advertise in advance on social networks, with attractive photos and videos and bet on news. Half the cost of an Easter egg comes from the packaging.

Therefore, a tip is to use a straw basket, put a ribbon, line it and make a nest.

Another option is to wrap the egg in cloth, which reduces the cost from 5% to 10%. With the sale of handmade eggs, the profitability can reach 300%.

It's as if each kilo of chocolate turns into three at the time of sale.

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