Personal loan from direct debit – find out how to do it

The personal loan line with direct debit is aimed at employees, retirees or pensioners, civil servants, police, firefighters, self-employed, and workers in general.

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At first, the personal loan with direct debit can cause a little confusion, however, it is not so complicated. The first example of a loan made with a debit in the account is the operation carried out in your own bank.

The transaction consists of granting cash credit at once to be used as you wish and to make the refund, the customer returns it in installments deducted from the current account every month until the end of the contract.

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For this operation, the most common is the pre-approved personal loan or even the overdraft limit that can be used for a certain time.

But returning to the pre-approved loan with debit on the account, the application is extremely simple, it can be done by phone or via the internet.

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The simple rule is: enter the access password, choose the desired amount and authorize the transaction electronically, in minutes the money is in the account.

Reasons to take a personal loan

Borrowing money from a bank, finance company or credit companies such as credit unions, associations and class unions can help a lot when the situation is tight.

It's always good to have access to lines of loans, property financing and personal credit. You never know when you're really going to need an extra amount of money, to invest or for an emergency.

Brazil is not as adapted to the needs of its citizens as in other European, North American or Australian countries, it still lacks a series of products related to personal loans, a greater

Transparency in credit history, rating and especially in credit scores, which we basically don't have access to.

account loan

The personal loan with a payroll discount is deducted from the current account on the anniversary of the account and not on the day of receipt of salary.

The loan debited from the account is granted to both individuals and legal entities. Of course, legal entities have a better chance of approval, as they are companies.

Therefore, the requested money is used to meet urgent needs or, in the case of companies, it is even possible to invest in production.

However, if you are a worker in a private company or public servant, and want to know more, visit:

online personal loan, learn more by clicking here.

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