Ethanol or gasoline, which is better for your wallet?

Ethanol or gasoline, which is better for your budget? Many Flex car owners ask this question, see the state comparison.

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The arrival of Flex cars on the national market brought a certain freedom to owners. Therefore, we realize that in some states of the federation the advantage is to supply ethanol.

In times of such expensive fuel, some savings are always welcome. Some application drivers that run all day may see a big difference at the end of the month.

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So, find out about the states where filling up with ethanol is more beneficial for your wallet. And where, gasoline is still more advantageous.

Learn to do the calculation

Initially, the value of fuel ends up fluctuating throughout the year in various regions. Therefore, what is an advantage today could be a disadvantage tomorrow.

Therefore, the best way for you to never end up at a loss is to do the calculation whenever you see the values at the pump.

However, it is important to understand that gasoline comes from petroleum, while ethanol comes from sugar cane. Ethanol produces a lower energy yield than oil.

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For this reason, it is important to compare the values, as you need a greater amount of ethanol to run the same distance. Depending on the value of the two fuels, it may be better to fill up with one or the other.

Then, you must divide the value of ethanol by the value of gasoline, if the result is equal to or less than 0.7, ethanol is better for your pocket.

See this example, thinking that ethanol is R$ 3.69 and gasoline is R$ 5.79, we will have the result 0.63. Thus, ethanol is more advantageous than gasoline.

If the result was greater than 0.7, it would be better to fill up with gasoline. But an average was made, considering the values in the states, see the result.

See the states where fueling with ethanol is more advantageous

Only in 6 states and the Federal District is it more advantageous to fuel up with ethanol, in all others gasoline is still more advantageous.

If you live in Goiás, Mato Grosso, as well as Mato Grosso do Sul, in addition to Minas Gerais, Paraná and São Paulo, fill up on ethanol.

Of course, in addition to the Federal District, the ANP (National Petroleum Agency) released research showing that gasoline is still better in Brazil.

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Of course, the calculation taught above can make your life a lot easier, however, there is nothing better than making a comparison on your vehicle.

Carry out the test using both types of fuel, avoid mixing the two types of fuel. Test them separately and fill up with the fuel that is best for your budget.

Ethanol or gasoline, which is better for your wallet?

It depends on the region where you live, and it may also depend on your vehicle, some models may be more economical in ethanol. Others are more economical with gasoline.


In general, the calculation will give you an idea about which fuel will be best for your budget. Always do the calculation, it will make a big difference at the end of the month.

Saving on fuel means more money in your pocket, more leisure time, and other bills paid.

Take the opportunity to teach your friends how to do this calculation and save money too.

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