Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Suspends Activities At 6 Units Across Brazil Because Of Coronavirus 2020-03-25

Agricultural and construction machinery manufacturer John Deere announced on Tuesday (24) that it will suspend work at its production units in the country due to the new coronavirus.

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Therefore, the measure starts this Wednesday (25) and the stoppage will be indefinitely.

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Fabricante De Máquinas Agrícolas Suspende Atividades Em 6 Unidades Pelo Brasil Por Causa Do Coronavírus 25 de março de 2020

Therefore, the first factories that will have their activities suspended this Wednesday will be:

Manufacturer Horizontina (RS):

Unit that produces harvesters and planters;

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Manufacturer Porto Alegre (RS):

Industrial plant of road equipment.
Next Monday (30), the suspension begins to take effect for:

Montenegro (RS):

which produces tractors;

 Canoes (RS):

manufactures sprayers;

 Indaiatuba (SP):

construction machinery unit;

Catalan (GO):

of sugarcane harvesters.

“However, with the aim of contributing to the containment of the contamination curve by the new coronavirus (COVID-19), and aiming to protect the health of employees and their families. Therefore, without neglecting to serve its customers in the agricultural and construction areas, John deere communicates that it is reorganizing its operations in Brazil”, said the company in a note sent to the press.

However with this supply this distribution of parts will not be interrupted, according to John Deere. The Campinas unit, in the interior of SP, although responsible for this, will work on a reduced scale and can produce .

From small and compact to those weighing tons, John Deere equipment has a wide variety of models. Although most of them are green in color, you can easily find equipment from the brand plowing the land or harvesting the agricultural lands of the country and also the world.

“This measure is necessary since food production and infrastructure are therefore considered by the authorities as essential activities for the population.

Although, these necessary measures to prevent, protect and reinforce the health care of the employees involved in this operation have already been implemented.”


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