No entry car finance

Miniature car on stack of money

When we think about buying a financed car, it immediately comes to mind that it is necessary to give a down payment, but if you don't have that amount saved, don't worry, because many financial institutions already offer no down payment car finance.

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Financing a car in full is already a reality, but it is worth knowing that with these conditions, finance companies take the liberty of raising interest rates, as the benefit is not a down payment requirement.

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How and where to finance a car with no down payment

One of the companies that offers this service today is Porto Seguro, check below how to proceed in order to start financing your vehicle!

– The entire hiring process is quick and simple, you don't face any kind of bureaucracy to do. Interest rates are attractive and you are likely to come to terms.

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– It is important that you know that before you make your financing, your data undergoes a complete assessment of your financial history.

– You cannot have your name with credit protection agencies, such as the SPC or SERASA. Some customers who have the “dirty” name may be denied credit for this reason.

– Your income will need to be proven through a paycheck or your bank transactions. After that, those responsible for credit analysis will check what your real payment capacity is. If everything is approved, your financing will be released and you will leave with your car!

Be careful with fees

It is always important to remember that you include in the calculation the costs that you will have with your car in addition to the financing installments.

So that you don't get scared by the values that come up.

With all this calculated, access the Porto Seguro website and find the agency closest to you!


Zero-fee financing

Vehicle financing made easy