Financing your own home

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The dream of owning a home is something that is the goal or dream of most Brazilians. To do the home financing it was much easier in the last decade, but with the serious crisis that settled in the country's economy, things got a little more complicated.

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Financing consists of a loan in which a credit administrator pays the full value of the property to be acquired, and you pay this amount in reduced installments.

During this period, the property serves as a guarantee for the bank or finance company that made the payment, in case you do not honor your commitment.

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What are the options for financing your own home?

When it comes to financing, we directly remember Caixa Econômica, which has very good financing services and a history of helping to fulfill the dream of owning a home.

This year Caixa changed the financing ceiling, and now it no longer has 100% coverage of the property value, this was a great advantage, so it is worth looking into other options.

The vast majority of banks such as Bradesco, Itaú, Banco do Brasil have their own real estate financing programs, and if you are an account holder at any bank, it is worth checking availability.

It is necessary to consider more than the ceiling and interest

If you are thinking of doing the home financing, whether it is new or even a used property, it is necessary to investigate all the requirements, as well as IPTU, location, choice of city and the advantages of cost x benefit.

So do a lot of research, choose calmly both your property option and the financing option, so that over time this choice does not become a problem.

Websites usually offer financing simulation services, you can access the box website, or of Bradesco Bank, or the bank of your choice and search for the best option.

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