Petrobras employee is tested positive for Coronavirus

According to information from Valor Econômico, the Petrobras Employee was infected outside the company. And now it remains in quarantine for observation and treatment.

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In an official note, the house was confirmed by Petrobras this past Friday. One of its employees has tested positive for the coronavirus. According to Valor, the information was initially published by the agency specializing in energy policy "epbr" and confirmed by Valor with the oil company.

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According to an article published by the Economic value, an employee is assigned to the headquarters building (Edise), in Rio. He is, however, on vacation, traveled abroad and has confirmed the disease Covid-19 before his return to work.

“Therefore, he was not at the company's premises after the contagion. The employee is in good health, is at home and is being monitored by Petrobras' health teams”, added the company.

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After this event, the company held a meeting with an employee to make everyone aware of proper care against this virus that has terrified everyone.

Security protocols were adopted after the event.

After confirmation of the infected employee, Petrobras decided to preventively suspend all business trips abroad, including for training. Travel within the country is also suspended, with only priority ones being maintained.

In addition, the oil standard is indicating a home office for at least seven days for all employees who have returned from abroad, whether for work or on vacation.

Employees from high-risk areas must work from home for 14 days

According to an official note, the 37 employees who were in China had their early return. None of them showed symptoms after going through a period of quarantine.

In an interview with the company, the executive said yesterday, however, that the company has intensified the activities of its trading area to take advantage of possible opportunities in the acquisition of products.Valor

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