Government Provides Emergency Aid to Workers During Pandemic

The government provides a measure to help informal workers who are at home respecting social isolation. Emergency Aid with a value of R$ 600.00 for those who have an account at Caixa.

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Tomorrow, April 7th, the emergency value. The volume of people who will have access is between 15 and 20 million people. The government created an application that will assist in the registration to analyze each registration.

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Governo Disponibiliza O Auxilio Emergencial Para Trabalhadores Durante Pandemia 06 de abril de 2020

However, it is expected that it will be the most searched Brazilian application in the world. The search will be large and there may be congestion, the calculation that expects will be at least 1 million users, accessing per day.

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Government provides benefits

At Easter they are studying to change the quarantine and release the isolation, however if it is done correctly. Isolation works according to the rules that need to be followed, even some people have immunity without risk of needing to be hospitalized.

Many workers are stopped to fulfill the isolation and need to keep up with the bills and food for the family. Although the government makes the benefit available to people over 18, informal workers and those who are unemployed.

The vote to arrive at the current value, there was through the section on the camera through the vote. The value started with R$ 200.00 , R$ 400.00 until reaching the current value of R$ 600.00. Many families begin to need help and this amount will be essential.

The benefit, according to the government, will be available for 3 months during the pandemic, for those who have a Bolsa Família or Cadastro Único do Governo, they will receive it first without the need to register.

The others who have accounts in the box after the analysis, will be deposited in the account and for those who need to create an account or receive by another bank will receive after. In other words, according to the profile of the work that depends on the date they will receive.



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