IBGE: Service Sector Plunges In Acre In January 25-03-2020

In January 2020, the service sector in Acre showed IBGE reduction of 2.2% compared to December 2019.

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Taking into account that trade showed stability at level 0, it neither rose nor fell.

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Although it is possible to estimate that business did not start 2020 very well in Acre and should deteriorate with the Coronavirus crisis.

IBGE: Setor De Serviços Despenca No Acre No Mês De Janeiro 25 de março de 2020

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IBGE survey

In the country, there was a small expansion, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in a survey released this Wednesday (25).

In the seasonally adjusted series, for example, the growth is 0.6%. In the series without seasonal adjustment, compared to January 2019, the volume of services increased by 1.8% in January 2020, reaching its fifth consecutive positive rate.

In the last 12 months, when advancing 1.0% in January 2020, the result of last December was repeated. However, the upward trend started in September 2019 was maintained (0.7%).

In the case of Acre, all series are negative. In the comparison between January/2020 and December/2019, the drop registered by the services sector. Therefore, in the State, it is the second largest in the country, second only to Roraima, which decreased by 11.4%.

In the series that compares January/2020 with January/2019, Acre is among the ten that lost the most in this sector. In the accumulated result for a year, when comparing Acre with other States, the result also places it in the 10th retraction.

Unemployment in the last quarter of 2019 was 11%, according to data released on Friday (31) by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). The labor market numbers are collected by the PNAD (National Household Sample Survey), a survey released every month that covers a representative group of the Brazilian population.

Unemployment of 11% represents drops of 0.8 percentage points compared to the previous quarter and 0.6 percentage points compared to the last quarter of 2018. However, on balance, the average unemployment rate in 2019 was 11.9%. In 2018, this rate had been 12.3% – the drop, therefore, was 0.4 percentage points.

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