Ministry of Health allocates R$ 126.6 million to 184 municipalities in Ceará

Ministry of Health allocates R$ 126.6 million to 184 municipalities in Ceará. The amount will be passed on by the Ministry of Health, to help face the crisis created by the new coronavirus.

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Concerning the state government, the share is R$ 39 million directly. Such information is in the Official Gazette of last Thursday (9).

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The value is used to cover the costs of actions and public health services, groups of the Basic Care Level (PAB) and Medium and High Complexity (MAC). These are focused on primary health care activities, outpatient and hospital care.

Ministério da Saúde aloca R$ 126,6 milhões pra 184 municípios do Cearáter

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The Ministry of Health transfers and Fortaleza alone will receive R$ 62 million to fight the pandemic.

The Secretariat of Health of Ceará, until this Friday (10), through the IntegraSUS platform, reported (until 5 pm this Friday) 67 deaths from Covid-19 and 1,558 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2 ) in the state.

The money sent concerns a monthly portion of what each state or municipality already receives for actions of medium and high complexity or primary care.

IntegraSUS – Fortaleza

The tool of the Secretariat of Health of Ceará (IntegraSUS) made a disclosure this Friday (10). Minimally, 103 of the 121 neighborhoods of Fortaleza already register cases of residents infected with the new coronavirus. The map delivered by such system indicates that the Meireles neighborhood, in Regional II, as the one with the highest number of contaminated people, with a number greater than 129 people.

Also in Regional II, Bairro Aldeota, is not far away, scoring between 78 and 103 cases. Still in the same area, the Dionísio Torres and Cocó neighborhoods have between 27 and 52 cases, similar numbers to the Cidade dos Trabalhadores neighborhood, in Regional VI.

Source: G1 Portal.

See too: House financing by HSBC Bank.

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