In Rio Grande do Sul, nine of the largest municipalities make the return of trade more flexible

According to a survey by GaúchaZH, most municipalities are flexible due to pressure from businessmen and trade associations.

Nine of the 18 largest cities in Rio Grande do Sul, relax the rules to allow restaurants, chocolate shops, snack bars, hairdressers and barbershops to return to operation. All municipalities that joined have more than 100,000 inhabitants.

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On Thursday (9), Governor Eduardo Leite, had passed on to the mayors the task of carrying out analyzes on the return of activities, as long as they all complied with the rules of hygiene and of vetoing agglomerations.

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The scenario demonstrates that decisions were based not only on Eduardo Leite's decision, but mainly because of pressure from businessmen and trade associations, who were warning about economic losses.

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According to the GaúchaZH survey, in the other nine municipalities consulted, which have not yet joined. Four reported that they will maintain the restriction rules, such as São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre. And five mayors declared that they are analyzing, projecting decisions for next week.

“We couldn't be against it, since the governor released some activities. We just followed the guidelines”, said Jorge Olavo Castro, Secretary of Health for Caxias do Sul.

In the Metropolitan Region, the mayor of Viamão, Valdir Jorge Elias, known as Russinho, said that the pressure from shopkeepers is very great. "We understand, there are people breaking", he commented.


On the other hand, liberalizing measures are worrying some mayors because of the effects they can have on the population. On Monday (13) in Novo Hamburgo, Fátima Daudt will make a decision. But it notes problems that happened after the individual interpretations of the state decree.

“Some thought it could work automatically even with shows. On Thursday night (9), our inspection was in a pub, a concert hall and a gas station where parties and crowds were taking place”, reported Fátima.

Among those opposed to the release, there are criticisms of Leite's position, which would be handing over responsibilities to municipalities.

“From the moment there is no adequate testing, we do not know the degree of circulation of the virus. Today we work with an invisible enemy and removal is the best alternative” said Alexandre Lindenmeyer, mayor of Rio Grande.

Municipalities where measures were or will be relaxed
  • Bagé
  • Bento Gonçalves
  • Caxias do Sul
  • canoes
  • waterfall
  • Santa Maria
  • Deep step
  • Uruguaiana
  • Viamão
Municipalities where measures should not be relaxed
  • Porto Alegre
  • big River
  • Sao Leopoldo
  • South Sapucaia
Municipalities analyzing flexibility
  • pellets
  • Gravataí
  • Dawn
  • Santa Cruz do Sul
  • New Hamburg

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