What is CBD?

What is CBD? Understand everything about the Bank Deposit Certificate, understand if this is the best investment for your profile.

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Understanding the need to invest is essential for those who think about the future, now choosing where to invest is always difficult.

The many investment possibilities confuse the person who is starting, so knowing the forms of investment is essential.

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Thus, we will introduce you to everything you need to know about CBD. So, without delay, let's understand what CBD is and how it works.

What is the Bank Deposit Certificate?

In principle, this is an investment suitable for investors who fit more into the conservative profile. Who don't like to take risks and who prefer a smaller, but safe return.

If this is your investor profile, the CDB is something that might catch your attention. Despite being an investment similar to savings, when it comes to security, it is more profitable.

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We can say that the CDB is a nominal fixed-income security that banks issue with the aim of raising money and financing bank activities.

The investor's benefit is exactly that, the banks in exchange return the amount with interest. As the profitability is greater than that of savings, it is more profitable to invest in CDB.

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In some cases, the profitability is three times the savings, so it is much better to invest your money in the CDB.

However, there is a maximum cap for this investment, the maximum amount is R$ 1 million every 4 years. It is guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC).

You can have daily liquidity when thinking about a short term investment. Or with longer terms, this flexibility is a feature of the CDB.

Why invest in CBD?

Firstly, it is a simple investment to make with daily liquidity, that is, you redeem the amount whenever you want.

As has already been said, the CDB is a great alternative to savings, with a much higher return. That way, if you have some value saved in savings, it will be more profitable to invest.

In addition, there is great security for the investor, for investments of up to R$ 250 thousand, the Credit Guarantee Fund makes sure you don't lose.

That is, he guarantees that if the bank fails or is unable to return this amount, the Fund will return it to you. That is, you invest with the certainty of not losing.


With the daily liquidity CDB option, you can redeem the amount whenever you want. Some investments do not allow redemption until the specified time has elapsed.

That way, if you for some reason need to redeem before, the value is impossible. In the case of the daily liquidity CDB, you can redeem it whenever you want.

Finally, investing in CBD is very simple, you can even do it over the internet, which makes everything accessible to anyone. Do you understand what CBD is?

For a conservative investor, the CDB is a great, profitable and safe alternative.

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