Easter takes on a more important meaning amid the coronavirus crisis 12-04-2020

This Easter, and as we can see around our family life, in social isolation, families seek to maintain traditions even without fraternizations and reinvent activities to celebrate the date

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We know that when looking for the traditional meaning of the Easter celebration, the ideas of transformation and resurgence must always reappear, right?

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When is the official date of Easter? Officially? Today. It is marked on the Christian calendar, the date celebrates the resurrection of one of the greatest spiritual symbols in the world: Jesus Christ. Transporting the celebration to 2020, it seems that we have discovered – or rather, rediscovered – a little bit of the importance of still having celebrations like this today.

Páscoa passa ter significado mais importante em meio à crise de coronavírus

Easter and new pandemic – coronavirus

In Brazil, especially in the country's most populous cities, in the face of the new coronavirus pandemic, local traders have bet on new sales formats to reduce losses and Santa Catarina families have reinvented celebrations to remain united, even if they are far apart.

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However, what we perceive is that it is in this scenario that solidarity enters as a significant factor in the behavior of the population. With thousands of establishments closed, consumers are prioritizing local businesses.

And in addition, changes in structures for e-commerce and the way people deal with it have also been accelerated as a result of the pandemic.

This is the time to express our Christian feelings

It is an excellent opportunity for us to show that we are concerned with the common good, with the recovery of life in its normal state, there is no other better moment than this of the coronavirus.

Do we really need that to happen for us to start taking an attitude of solidarity and union with other people? However, what we are seeing in Brazil, especially in the city of São Paulo, is a break in social isolation.

We know that at this time of Easter, a family celebration, it is difficult to stay away, however, it is very important, because we are fighting an invisible enemy! That way!

Let's create post consciousness!

Happy Easter!

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