Tilapia Reservoir Built By Prisoners In Janaúba MG

In Janaúba, north of Minas Gerais, they installed a 12,000-liter reservoir in the prison, for raising tilapia, in order to guarantee a profession for prisoners southeast.

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Even so, enriching the diet of children and the elderly, since the fish farming project at the prison unit began in January, in partnership with Emater-MG.

The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company, together with the Development Company of the São Francisco and Panaíba Valleys, joined the Project.

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Reservatório De Tilápias Construidos Por Presos Em Janaúba MG 15 de fevereiro de 2020

Since the masonry tank where tilapias are growing, since they were still placed in the form of fingerlings (chicks) was built by four inmates.


With guidance from Emater and a monetary amount released by the Court of Justice, the appeal, in the amount of R$ 2 thousand, included the purchase of the first 150 fingerlings.

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Since the training of prisoners and the supply of feed are the responsibility of Codevasf, which hired a zootechnician to provide basic guidelines.

The professional will go to Janaúba Prison every 15 days to check the health conditions of the fish and teach about fish farming.

The prison production manager, Romildes Mendes, is responsible for monitoring and supervising the work activities of the inmates.

However, Romildes highlights the interest and dedication of the four inmates who built the reservoir and continue to work on the project. “They are very committed, even without having any experience”.

Certainly, in six months, the tilapia will be ready for slaughter and will enrich the menu of four institutions in Janaúba.

Among the institutions are: São Vicente de Paulo Asylum, Dom José Mauro Project, Creche Gente Inocente and Casa de Apoio de Janaúba.

Nutritious Menu

Even though entities are already benefiting from vegetables produced in the prison. The vegetable garden cultivated in the unit started to be irrigated with water from the fish reservoir.

At the same time, the vegetable garden and fish farming have already begun to bring hope and enthusiasm to the project's inmates in the Janaúba region.

In short, the region of Janaúba and Nova Porteirinha has 130 families dedicated to fish farming and produce about 20 tons per year.

The fish are sold in the North of Minas Gerais.

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