Santander and Bradesco set interest rates for real estate loans

Last week we talked about Caixa's Real Estate Credit launched for its customers. And now, also thinking about these profit possibilities, a new real estate credit line with pre-fixed interest rate has led large private banks to study the implementation of the modality.

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Bradesco informed that pre-fixed interest is an option that is being studied to be made available later this year.

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How will real estate credit with private banks work?

Itaú has no plans to operate in the short term, although “it is attentive to market movements and is studying the possibilities of offering products.

Thinking about the possibility of gains, Banco do Brasil said that it constantly conducts studies of opportunities “in line with the competition, seeking to offer a credit portfolio that meets the needs of customers”, but did not confirm whether it should launch a pre-fixed line .

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Check out how real estate credit will work with the main banks

Bank of Brazil real estate loan

– BB offers rates from 3.45% per year + IPCA, in the Housing Financial System (SFH) and Real Estate Financial System (SFI) and Mortgage Portfolio (CH). In addition, the bank offers interest from 6.99% + TR, in SFH, SFI and CH. But, in the pro-quota line, the rate is 9% per year + TR. The financing percentage goes up to 82% of the appraised value of the new or used property.

About Bradesco credit

– Bradesco practices interest rates from 7.30% per year + TR, on credit lines of the Housing Financial System (SFH), Real Estate Financial System (SFI) or Mortgage Portfolio (CH). However, the bank finances up to 80% of the appraised value of the new or used property, with a payment period of up to 30 years.

Santander credit

– Santander offers interest from 7.99% per year + TR, on credit lines from the Housing Financial System (SFH), Real Estate Financial System (SFI) or Mortgage Portfolio (CH). The bank finances up to 90% of the value of new and used properties.

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