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  • Santander loan for negatives – learn how it works

    Santander loan for those with restricted name can be an option for those who are looking for debt sari, after the carnival period, but it is not so easy to get, there are some guidelines that need to be followed to make this possible. We, from the Digital Seguro portal, always warn that the personal loan should be a […] More

  • How to get a loan for negatives?

    Loan for negatives is a possibility that many people have, however, it is necessary to comply with some main rules, understand in this article how this works. One of the main doubts of many people who have their names in credit protection bodies, and that's what we're going to talk about today. It is currently known that Brazil […] More

  • empréstimo mesmo com nome no SPC

    See how to make a loan even with a name in the SPC

    It may seem like a lie, but it's not. If you have your negative name, you will be able to get a loan released. Civil Servants, Retirees and Pensioners whose name was negative in the market can get a loan without bureaucracy or any other type of requirement. Online loan for those with a negative name, is it possible? With […] More