Latest stories

  • Simplic releases R$ 3500 reais with affordable installments

    Simplic has already established itself as one of the best companies that work with online loans in Brazil, but in order to have financing approved by it, it is necessary to meet some basic requirements. We have gathered today a series of information, which will certainly help you who are looking for an easy way to make a loan and with installments that […] More

  • Find out how to get a credit card loan

    The credit card loan is perhaps one of the most practical options that banks have found to release urgent credit to those in need, but how to do that? An interesting thing about this modality is that you can know exactly how much interest you will have to pay. We have collected here a series of information […] More

  • How to apply for a loan online in the booklet for self-employed?

    The loan in the booklet can be a great help for those who work with a formal contract and need quick money, without bureaucracy and with a low interest rate, however, it is not so simple. Many financial institutions require a series of proof for this to be possible. And in the case of who is self-employed? It's possible […] More

  • Nubank starts working with personal loan

    Nubank is expanding its network of operations in the Brazilian market and is now working with loans for its customers, but there are profiles that the company is more focused on. Before we talk about the Nubank personal loan, it is very important for you to keep in mind that taking out a loan should always be the last alternative, that […] More

  • Interest on the online loan is lower than the bank loan?

    Online borrowing is one of the most sought-after ways in today's world, but are the interest rates good? That's what we're going to talk about next. Today we want to talk about the main differences between the interest of lending institutions and the interest of companies (or banks) that work with physical loans, […] More

  • Loan with credit card, understand how it works

    The credit card loan is a facility that many have and do not know about. We know that our society is going through a very complicated period in relation to the organization of personal finances, in fact, most people do not have financial education. Today we want to talk about the possibility of you taking out a loan with […] More