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  • Credit card loan to overcome the crisis, is it worth it?

    Is the credit card loan as a means to overcome the crisis really worth it? The world is experiencing a real structural change, due to the new coronavirus that has already shaken the foundations of large countries. In the face of chaos, for many people, all that remains is to use the credit card revolving, through the […] More

  • Interest on the online loan is lower than the bank loan?

    Online borrowing is one of the most sought-after ways in today's world, but are the interest rates good? That's what we're going to talk about next. Today we want to talk about the main differences between the interest of lending institutions and the interest of companies (or banks) that work with physical loans, […] More

  • Personal loan for first vehicle financing – how to get it?

    Personal credit for financing a first vehicle is one of the most sought after things by Brazilians who still don't have their own car, but know that it's not that complicated. Many people all over Brazil dream of buying a car, but because of the crisis this dream is getting further and further away, because […] More

  • Payroll Loan - check out the best rates on the market

    A Payday Loan is one of the most accessible options on the financial market for those who are in debt, but not everyone can take out this type of loan. Before talking about the possibilities of finding a loan with lower interest rates, let's explain a little how this specific type of loan works. How does a payroll loan work? […] More

  • Is a loan without proof of income possible?

    The loan without proof of income is one of the questions we receive the most here on our portal, but is this really possible? How it works? All this and much more you will find out below. If you are self-employed, or work on a temporary basis or as a freelancer, and you are faced with […] More

  • Loan with credit card, understand how it works

    The credit card loan is a facility that many have and do not know about. We know that our society is going through a very complicated period in relation to the organization of personal finances, in fact, most people do not have financial education. Today we want to talk about the possibility of you taking out a loan with […] More