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  • Ibovespa se recupera e tem maior alta em 11 anos

    Ibovespa recovers and has the highest daily appreciation in 11 years

    After the stock market had the biggest drop in history this Monday (8), the Brazilian market reacted this Tuesday, recovering. The Ibovespa, the main index of the Brazilian stock exchange, closed up 7.14%aos 92,214.47 points. Its highest daily appreciation since 2009. Vale's shares stood out with a jump of more than 18%. And Petrobras also reacted later […] More

  • dólar sobe novamente

    Dollar rises again and reaches new record, closing at R$ 4.39

    Dollar rises again this Thursday (20), reaching R$ 4.40 and updating the closing record. All this amidst the strength of the US currency abroad and the absence of more positive prospects for the real. The US currency hit a new high and was sold at R$ 4.3917. Up from 0.61%. A […] More