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  • envelhecer pessoas nas fotos

    Learn how to age people on mobile

    Meet the apps that let you age people in photos. Who has never caught themselves thinking about how they will look when they are older, right? According to this thought, that FaceApp and Oldify apps were created. Thus developed to solve this doubt so popular among users and quench the curiosity of […] More

  • Apps to age people in photos

    Many apps have been developed to eliminate the curiosity about how we will look when we get old. Check out the best apps to age people in photos now. Who hasn't thought about how it will be after so many years, right? It is based on this idea that the applications that will be mentioned were created. They were developed to respond to […] More

  • cortar cabelo pelo aplicativo

    Free mobile hair cut

    In today's fast-paced world, cutting hair can be a challenging task. Learn how to cut hair on your cell phone for free. With busy schedules and limited time, many people tend to postpone their haircut until the last minute. However, what if there was a way to make this process more convenient and accessible? Insert cuts […] More

  • aplicativo para envelhecer pessoas

    How to see your aged self using cell phone photos

    In today's digital world, it's easier than ever to keep creative and unique memories of our lives, so here's how to see your aged self using cell phone photos. One way to do this is to use cell phone photos to create a picture of what you will look like when you are older. This one […] More

  • colocar barba nas fotos

    See your version with a beard in the photos and videos

    Surprisingly, the beard is a powerful and versatile tool that makes a difference in the look, so see your version with a beard in the photos and videos. They can make someone appear ruder, more professional, or more authoritative. Whether you want to change your appearance or just have fun with how you look in photos and videos, having […] More

  • Corte seu cabelo usando o celular

    Cut your hair using your cell phone

    Cut your hair using your cell phone and don't be disappointed with the result. Every time we think about changing the look we are afraid that we will not like it. This happens to everyone, in fact, it will always be an adaptation, getting used to seeing your face in different hair. However, before carrying out the cut or […] More

  • cortar cabelo usando celular

    How to cut hair using your cell phone

    Surely you want to learn how to cut hair using your cell phone? In today's digital age, even something seemingly mundane like cutting your own hair can be done with the help of technology. Believe it or not, there are apps and online tutorials available that teach you how to use your cell phone to cut hair in the comfort of your own home. […] More

  • Leaving people bald in photos

    Going bald for a long time has been the concern of many men and women. Aesthetics affect a lot of people, so leaving bald people in photos can help you know what it will be like. Many people look “good” without hair, some look better without hair than with it, apps can show the result. If this […] More

  • Simular corte de cabelo pelo celular

    Simulate haircut by cell phone - top 4

    The new wave at the moment is to simulate a haircut on your cell phone and play with your photos and those of your friends. But it is also increasingly common for people to test the haircut in the photo before going to the beauty salon. This is because it is a security, especially for those who are […] More

  • Aplicativo para simular foto careca

    Application to simulate bald photo

    Do you want to troll your friends? Or do you want to change the look radically? Then get to know the application to simulate a bald photo. Without a doubt, the app that is trending at the moment is what allows you to simulate being bald in photos. Many people use it to play with friends or family, to look like they shaved […] More

  • Simular corte de cabelo pelo celular

    Simulate haircut on mobile

    Before you go to the hairdresser, you need to learn how to simulate a haircut on your cell phone, to choose the best model for your face. It's trending to use an app to test types of haircuts before actually cutting them. So if you are in doubt about your new […] More

  • Como os famosos seriam se fossem pessoas comuns

    What celebrities would look like if they were ordinary people

    Tenho certeza que você, como a maioria das pessoas, também já imaginou como os famosos seriam se fossem pessoas comuns. Mas, na verdade, é bem normal de pensar isso, afinal quando vemos os famosos eles sempre estão maquiados e bem cuidados. Não parece que eles transpiram, acordam com o cabelo bagunçado ou então que ficam […] More

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