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  • Como os famosos seriam se fossem pessoas comuns

    What celebrities would look like if they were ordinary people

    Tenho certeza que você, como a maioria das pessoas, também já imaginou como os famosos seriam se fossem pessoas comuns. Mas, na verdade, é bem normal de pensar isso, afinal quando vemos os famosos eles sempre estão maquiados e bem cuidados. Não parece que eles transpiram, acordam com o cabelo bagunçado ou então que ficam […] More

  • Simular corte de cabelo pelo celular em mulheres

    Mobile haircut apps

    Simulating a haircut on a cell phone for women will help you lose the fear of making a mistake when changing your look. In this sense, apps for cutting hair on cell phones are very useful for testing new cuts. There comes a time when we want to renew our lives, and the first thing […] More

  • Aplicativo que deixa pessoas carecas em fotos

    App that makes people bald in photos

    The app that makes people bald in photos is on the rise, and many people are using it to prank their friends. Being bald is no longer synonymous with shame, on the contrary, there are several famous actors who are bald and set the trend. That's why many people are in doubt about how they would be if they were […] More

  • engordar pessoas nas fotos

    Apps to fatten people in photos by cell phone

    However, we know that many people are not satisfied with their bodies, some want to lose weight, some want to gain weight, just look and feel the way they want when they take photos and post them on social media. Applications to make people fat in photos on their cell phones Especially those who imagine themselves “fuller” in photos, because […] More

  • simular corte de cabelo

    Apps for haircuts

    If you are looking for a haircut that suits your face shape, on the Internet it is possible to find ways to simulate haircuts without running the risk of making a choice, which you may later regret until it returns to normal. In haircut apps, many options […] More

  • Apps to simulate haircuts

    Who never thought about making that radical hair change? This happens when we idealize our locks from hairstyles we've never had before, inspired by famous looks, magazine photos or something we've created ourselves. The fact is that, at this point, it is difficult for us to take into account all the factors that suggest a good […] More

  • Apps to lose a few pounds in photos

    With the help of photo editor apps you can lose weight in your photos quickly. Discover the best apps to lose a few pounds in photos. In the app store for Android and iOS devices, the options are very rich, where there are numerous functions to edit every inch you want. Some with […] More

  • Apps to fatten people in photos by cell phone

    However, we know that many people are not happy with their body, some wanting to stay thin, others wanting to gain weight, and taking pictures to post on social networks, while looking and body the way you want. See the best apps to make people fat in cell phone photos. Especially those who […] More

  • deixar pessoas mais novas

    App to make younger people in photos

    FaceApp became a rage on social networks after launching its feature to age people in photos. Mainly on Facebook, many artists published their appearance “when older”. See now the best app to make people younger in photos. The rejuvenation feature is also available in the same application. This tool is available both on […] More

  • envelhecer pessoas nas fotos

    Apps to age people in photos

    With the advancement of technology with different functions and possibilities, it is normal to arouse people's curiosity to know how they will get older in a few years. Identifying the lines of expression, the smile, the white hair and thus making comparisons of your young photo with the simulation of the older appearance. The creation of the apps skyrocketed […] More

  • ver sua versão do sexo oposto

    Apps to change gender in photos and videos

    Who has never been curious to know what it would be like if they were of the opposite sex? Through some applications that are able to change people's features, it has been on the rise in social networks, providing fun and sharing with friends. Learn how to gender-swap photos and videos. However, many people […] More

  • simular corte de cabelo

    Apps to simulate haircut on mobile

    Sabemos que toda mulher gosta de dar aquele up no visual, porém sempre surgem dúvidas ao realizar um corte de cabelo e mesmo realizando pesquisas de novas tendências não é possível ter uma noção de como ficaria e se realmente combinaria com seu estilo. Veja como simular corte de cabelo. Além de tudo com tantas […] More

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