Working From Home During Social Isolation In The Pandemic

With the covid-19 pandemic, the government proposed isolation to be followed by the entire population, except those who really need it. The resource used for some companies, which employees, work from home.

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The modality home office, translating Office At Home, the increase according to data from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) the increase was 30% . The best measure is to continue work and avoid contagion of the virus.

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The change in customs and even in the business mode, working at home can be the way that many dream of doing, commuting to work, which generates savings, being able to work at will and comfortably.

Trabalhar Em Casa Durante O Isolamento Social Na Pandemia 06 de abril de 2020

Home office pandemic arises work at home

The modality has its benefits, but it has some procedures that need to be analyzed, such as communication so as not to deviate from the business procedure, exercising commitment to employees, customers and all those who directly or directly need to develop the work.

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Another important point that needs to be analyzed is agility, if you are in the comfort of your home, you need to keep the same pace as if you were in the company. The change in habits needs to be analyzed and maintained for a smooth functioning of the work.

Notebook sales have increased for those who work at home, the profile of workers has changed, even in food. It is necessary to make a stopover to be monitored every day as well as in the company, following the rules of the company that works.

For those who kept working at home, it is still important, the crisis begins to arrive and the company's income has negative effects. With the crisis, you don't know what will happen, isolation is being maintained, the economy will feel changes and so will the worker.

Working from home has become the way to safely adapt to the pandemic the world is going through, however we need to readapt to these changes while respecting the rules of each institution.






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