Everything you need to know before applying for your card

We understand perfectly why people are still afraid to make their credit card, the internet has everything, isn't it? But we are here to make it clear to you that if you read this article carefully, you will no longer have difficulties making your card, no matter which bank is offering it to you!

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Before continuing talking about the care you should take when applying for a credit card, it is necessary to inform you that our intention here is only to bring you information regarding care, bank facilitation, fees and interest, the world of the financial market, all right?

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We also don't release credit to anyone, we don't have a partnership with banks, everything we say here can be confirmed in the official means of credit operators, in which we are committed to talking.

> don't believe me any message you receive on card

As the internet is a dangerous place, if you don't read the articles on the websites properly, you can easily fall into scams. There is a phenomenon that is unique to our days: “automatism in social networks” When people see a message or post that has to do with their interest, instead of checking the information, they believe it immediately, so all attention is more that necessary.

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Formal banks also lie and can trick you into your credit card application

When people talk about a coup, they only think of informal means, however, traditional banks do not reveal all the information to you about a particular product, they omit, because their intention is only one: PROFIT!

Carefully read the benefits of each company that offers you a card

Each company offers a type of fee in relation to the card, however, you need to be patient not to pay high fees, it is worth reading each offer carefully so as not to be taken by surprise at the end of the month.

Credit card requested by cell phone, can you?

In the past this would be absurd, impossible, however, the reality is different and yes, totally possible, today it is possible to do this through several online banks such as Nubank, INTER, DIGIO, etc…

Good luck!

See how to make your Digio Card Online

Discover the advantages of the credit card