Uber starts investing heavily in the fight against the new coronavirus

To the surprise of many people, this week, Uber announced today that it plans to distribute "tens of millions" of masks to drivers around the world as part of its efforts to increase safety amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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At the same time, the global ride-sharing giant said it has shipped its first order of masks to New York City drivers. She who is the current epicenter of the outbreak in the US, and expects half a million more for other US cities.

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Although the measure follows updated guidance from health authorities in the US and other countries. Before that to use some kind of protection on the face as an additional barrier against the spread of the virus.

Uber Pretende Distribuir Milhões De Máscaras Para Seus Motoristas No Mundo 10 de abril de 2020

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Uber invests in masks against covid-19

"We've ordered tens of millions more masks and expect them to arrive in other cities and regions around the world in the coming weeks," said Uber's vice president of safety, Gus Fuldner.

"Supplies are limited and health needs will always take priority, so global shipments will take time."

Uber, which has seen a massive drop in ridership due to lockdowns around the world. Soon after, it reported that it buys the masks “from outside traditional health supply chains,” including from a company that typically makes electronics.

UBER also said it is donating all of its N95 respirator masks, which offer extra filtration, to medical staff and hospitals.

Uber has been working for a few weeks on initiatives to compensate drivers and delivery people. Although some have to be quarantined because they are actually infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus), causing them to be rewarded to pay for the treatment.

In conjunction with this investment, the company will also provide a 14-day allowance to drivers and couriers.

So, as resources for cleaning vehicles in the right way, preventing the contagion of those who choose to remain working.

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