Learn how to enroll in building a dream

You've no doubt heard of the home improvement program, so now learn to enroll in building a dream.

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Many people have the dream to have the own home or make a remodeling in yours, but you don't have financial conditions for it.

But you've probably heard of the TV show that helps families conquer house renovation.

And you don't have to pay anything to register or to participate, see how you can register and if you are able to participate.

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Who for signing up for building a dream

before you learn to enroll in building a dream, need to know some key points.

It's important to know that the framework of the program is serious, and that's why it has some criteria for people to follow.

It's nothing very complex, it's actually quite simple, but that just goes to show that the broadcaster SBT take this issue seriously.

And that it is not just a framework to bring entertainment to the public, but to really help families in need.

But the first criterion for being able to apply is that the families of people who work in the program cannot participate.

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This is done so that the station does not accuse the station of privileging employees, or else of making a fake program.

In addition, only families living in Brazil can enroll, as the program is limited to operating only in the national territory.

Not only that, but the story that the family tells when signing up and the information provided must be true.

A review will be done by program staff to confirm this information prior to program participation.

How Build a Dream works

good, the building a dream it's actually a frame of the program Nice Sunday, which airs on Sundays on the TV station SBT.

The intent of this board is to choose a family that has an exciting and inspiring story to help build the dream.

However, for some people the dream is have a house, for others it is reform the House, being able to take care of a problem, and so on.

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But of course, the focus is on family home renovation, to give them more convenience and quality.

So while the family stays in a hotel, the program team makes the complete renovation at House, from changing paint to replacing walls.

In addition, all the furniture in the house is changed, the pantry is full of food and sometimes the family even receives a sum of money.

How to sign up for building a dream

Learn how to enroll in building a dream it's very simple and fast for you to make yours.

First, you will create an account on the SBT, and of course there is no cost for this.


Then, on the home page of the site, you look for the program Nice Sunday, presented by Celso Portiolli.

After that, you scroll down the page until you reach the section registrations, and there you search for Legal Sunday – Building a Dream.

On this screen you will fill the form with information and true history and then wait, if your story catches the attention of the team you can be called.

Finally, you can register here at SBT official website.

Building a dream.


If you liked the tips given above, share them with friends and family, many Brazilians dream of having a renovated house.

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