Rice With Beans Is Increasingly “Sumid” In Brazilian Dishes, Industrialized Growing

The rice and beans considered typically Brazilian, during the time it was always the main food, however this custom is falling in the researches, the Brazilians are more and more searching processed foods.

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Although people are increasingly “out of time”, they are always looking for alternatives for household chores and food, industrialized foods are increasingly in demand.

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Industrializados Ganham Força E Consumo De Arroz E Feijão Cai 40% Em 15 Anos 03 de abril de 2020

Rice with industrialized X beans

For example: According to data released by the IBGE, in 2003 the demand for rice and beans represented 44 kg in the diet of Brazilians. Already in 2018, the same items went to 25.6 kg. There was a drop of almost half in consumption.

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Cereals in general are becoming less and less frequent in food, giving way to industrialized ones. Therefore, the IBGE announced an increase in some items such as: cookies, ice cream, drinks such as soft drinks and beers and sweets in general.

Percentage growth over 15 years:

  • Preparations and mixing: +56%;
  • Alcoholic drinks: +19%;
  • Non-alcoholic beverages: +17%

However, one item that has stood out in the growth of purchases is eggs, which are more than 3.3 kg per Brazilian each year. As well as processed items in Brazilian food between 2003 and 2018, it jumped from 24.1% to 32.8% in the budget.

Based on the data, rice and beans are considered the dish that has great healthy properties for the composition of nutrients for human beings, although the search for industrialized products grows, and with them finished products such as ice cream, cookies, instant noodles.

These industrialized foods are villains for health, obesity in this proportion has also increased, and the Ministry of Health has lit the alert. Each year the country gains 1 million cases of obesity.

However, according to the IBGE, the drop in cereal consumption is more concentrated in the population, with up to 2 minimum wages, compared to families with up to 25 minimum wages. The factor that justifies, in addition to the change in habits, another factor influences, being the price of the basic food basket.





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