Technological advances bring convenience to everyday life

Advances in the 2020 trends indicate that retail services will be increasingly customized. Understand the changes that technology will bring to routine.

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Technology has been changing the way we consume everything in our lives and driving the emergence of businesses focused on bringing more convenience to people's daily lives through innovations.

In 2020, the term that will be used by several sectors is personalization.

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Avanços Tecnológicos Trazem Comodidade Para O Dia A Dia 04 de março de 2020

More and more people prefer services and products that take into account their personal preferences and conditions. — There is a strong tendency towards customization for the individual.

In medicine, the medicine will be offered in doses according to weight, blood type, and characteristics of each individual.

Technological advancements

You don't go to the pharmacy to pick up a medicine from the shelf, but to buy the right dose for your individualities.

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It is a very big evolution and even, demonstrably, it has a very great effectiveness in treating diseases. It's not just medicine that will make advances technological during 2020.

In retail, the news will also be disruptive, with image recognition solutions, for example, that photograph the gondola. And from the images, they recognize the items and generate intelligent information. Artificial Intelligence is changing the shopping process and supermarkets are not going to be left out of it.

One example is the possibility of making purchases without a wallet, which is already being tested in some cities around the world.

Everyday Agility

In this process, the customer is identified at the entrance to the location and, inside, a system records their movements on the shelves.

Afterwards, just leave the place without having to go to a cashier, for example, with the value of purchases being debited directly from the account.

Of course, this technology will take some time to arrive here.

But the fact that it is operating outside Brazil already indicates the consumer's desire to be more and more practical in their daily lives. And the opening of the market for solutions to save time in routine and streamline everyday activities. Advances that are close to our reality.

Although studies point to rapid changes in all scenarios, some trends that seem more distant from our reality are already seen more frequently. So and should be perfected in the coming months.

With regard to online shopping, for example, consumer expectations regarding shipping times are getting faster and faster. And in the age of instantaneity, shoppers want immediate delivery.


In this scenario, e-commerces that allow collection at the store and deliveries by appointment are conquering the public that values agility.

The Angeloni supermarket shopping website, for example, is designed to bring agility to the routine and ensures that the consumer has purchases in hand very quickly. Scheduling delivery times or enabling in-store pickup.

Online shopping Freepik Agility is the keyword Technology is an ally of those who need to organize their responsibilities to have more free time for other activities.

That's why the Super Angeloni Online website has a wide variety of products that facilitate the routine of those who want to save time on a daily basis by stocking their home pantry in a practical, efficient and safe way.

In Santa Catarina and Paraná, the Angeloni chain is a pioneer when it comes to online supermarkets, both in the “buy and collect” mode and with delivery of products at scheduled times at home.

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