Basket of Basic Products Has Fifth Consecutive Increase in Chapecó 03-24-2020

Since November last year, the basket of 57 basic products has increased in cost in Chapecó. In comparison with February, the positive change is 1.38%.

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That is, more R$ 19.05 over last month's R$ 1,376.29. Previous increases were 1.61% in November, 1.67% in December, 0.66% in January and 0.01% in February.

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Cesto De Produtos Básicos Tem Quinto Aumento Consecutivo 24 de março de 2020

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However, in the evaluation for the last 12 months, there is a reduction of 0.84%: from R$ 1,407.10 in March 2019 to R$ 1,395.34 in this current month, which represents R$ 11.76 less.

A joint survey of the Economic Sciences course at Unochapecó and the Commerce Union of the Chapecó Region, through Sicom Pesquisas, also shows the cost of the basic basket of 13 products. This month there is a reduction of 2.02%, from R$ 327.20 to R$ 320.60.

Compared to the same period last year, the reduction is more expressive. Although it reaches 8.83% in the last 12 months, since in March 2019 the value was R$ 351.67.

product basket

The highest percentages of increase occurred in carrots, in 49.96%, in soft eggs (33.96%), in potatoes (16.16%), in kale (15.91%) and in cabbage (15.84%).

The negative variations of greater representation occurred in common tomato, in 17.31%, in egg pasta (11.06%), in floor wax (9.98%), in straw broom (9.29%) and in corn starch (6.21%) .

According to the research report, “the significant increase in the price of carrots is associated with hot and rainy weather. However, it has persisted since January, which has affected production and root quality”.

The reduction in the price of tomatoes in the basket is due to the increase in supply, as some regions reached their peak of harvest during February.

The justification for the increase in the cost of lettuce, according to local traders, stems from the high temperatures that the region reaches this summer. The fall in the value of bananas is the result of acceleration in the pace of harvesting. Thus giving the justifiable increase.

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