CNH Social – Learn how to secure a Free Driver’s License

There is a government program called CNH Social, which guarantees your free driver's license, for you who have the dream of getting your license, or even for you who need to work, and have a work card, would facilitate the opening of new job opportunities.

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With that in mind, in this article we will present this social program, which guarantees the Brazilian population, a driver's license for free.  

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Is the CNH Social program Real?

Many people believe, that the social program that guarantees the free driver license, is false, and does not exist in reality. However, we can say yes! This program is real, and just search the websites and portals of the federal government to verify its existence.

The program was created in 2011 by the federal government to help the needy Brazilian population, to get your driving license. It is worth mentioning that even if you participate in the program, you are still obliged to pass theoretical, psychological and practical exams.

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Even the program being developed by the federal government, it was decided by the parliamentarians, that the option for participating in the program, and the cost of the benefit, is in charge of the state governments, and its respective DMV.

How to register for the social program?

To enroll in the program, you need to check with the DMV your state, or SEST/SENAT, (depending on your state of residence).

CNH Social

To enroll in the program through DMV, access the site, and look for the tab “CNH Social” or CNH Popular”, after clicking on the option, check the opening public notice, the Detran opens registration for a certain period of time during the year. Insert your personal documents and send them for analysis DMV.

In the case of registering through the website of the SEST/SENAT, go to the portal, find the option CNH Social and Insertion of New Drivers, then check the opening notice, or opening forecast, fill in your details, provide some basic documents, and send the request.

Who can enroll in CNH Social?

To be able to participate in the program, it is necessary that the candidate meets some requirements, or fits some criteria, see the following list:

  • Have income of up to 2 minimum wages;
  • Be actively registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico);
  • Citizens who have been through the prison system;
  • Participants of the Bolsa Família program;
  • Being unemployed;
  • Be over 18 years of age;
  • Proven low-income youth;
  • Not registered with the CLT;
  • Small agricultural producer;
  • Having studied in the public school system.

To participate in the program, you will need to have some documents in hand:

  • RG;
  • CPF;
  • Employment card of the applicant and his family members (who have the document);
  • Proof of address;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Students' school records.

Check participating states of the CNH Social program

There are several states in the national territory, which have opted in whole or in part to the program. Check out the participating states: Bahia; Holy Spirit; Amazon; Maranhão; Ceará; Paraíba; Large northern river; Rio Grande do Sul; Pernambuco; Goias, Sao Paulo; Federal District; Roraima; Minas Gerais.


To enroll in the program, visit the website of the SEST/SENAT, or look for the DMV, of your state.

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